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Malta Citizenship Approvals Issued
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) is the single regulator for financial services activities in Malta. It regulates and supervises credit and financial institutions, investment, trust and insurance business and also houses the country's Companies Registry. The MFSA issues guidance notes, monitors local and international developments, works with relevant parties on legislative matters, and plays a major role in training. It encourages high standards of compliance and runs a consumer affairs unit.
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) was established by law on 23 July 2002. It is a fully autonomous public institution and reports to Parliament on an annual basis. The MFSA has taken over supervisory functions previously carried out by the Central Bank of Malta, the Malta Stock Exchange and the Malta Financial Services Centre and is the single regulator for financial services. The sector incorporates all financial activity including banking, investment and insurance.
Malta's Companies House
The MFSA also manages the Malta Registry of Companies and has also taken over responsibility as the Listing Authority. The Registry of Companies accepts applications for the registration of companies in Malta and is in charge of publicly available company information for all Maltese companies. Changes to Malta companies as well as annual return filings are administered by the staff of the Registry of Companies.
Company Tax Administration
The International Tax Unit of the Inland Revenue Department and the Companies Registry are also housed at the MFSA's offices and have the task of ensuring that all taxation and company registration matters relating to international activity are dealt with swiftly and effectively. The International Tax Unit is also responsible for issuing advance revenue rulings which give certainty to the tax treatment of all international undertakings.
Registry of Companies Organisation
The organisational structure of the MFSA ensures that the regulatory and operational functions of the Authority are exercised within strict legal demarcations. The Board of Governors, presided by the Chairman, sets out policy and general direction and is assisted by the Legal and International Affairs Unit. The Director of this Unit is also the Secretary to the Board of Governors. The Supervisory Council, headed by the Director General, is exclusively responsible for issuing licenses and regulation and is composed of the Directors responsible for Banking, Securities, Pensions, Insurance, Company Compliance, Corporate and Trustee Services. Operations are the responsibility of the Board of Management and Resources composed of the Directors responsible for Business Development, Human Resources, Information Technology and Administration led by the Chief Operations Officer. Co-ordination between these two organs is ensured at Co-ordination Committee level.